Maintenance Timeline
We've put together a helpful guide to caring for your plants and lawns broken down by each month.
Be sure to take proper care and contact us with any questions!
January & February
Summer flowering shrubs can be pruned in winter, however spring flowering shrubs should be pruned right after they are done blooming. General pruning rules: trim out dead branches, branches that rub, duplicating branches, branches that cross or will eventually rub.
Begin planning and gathering ideas for your next landscape project. Contact Stuber Land Design, Inc. for professional design and installation solutions
Check pond heaters regularly
Cut back roses, grasses, and perennials
Grasses can be burned down if in an appropriate site
Apply pre-emergent herbicides to landscape beds
Fertilize roses with rose food plus systemic insecticide
Prune panicle hydrangeas if not done in the fall
Apply crabgrass preventer on lawn about the time Forsythia bloom
Still time to apply pre-emergent herbicides to landscape beds
Fertilize trees and shrubs with the appropriate fertilizer
Treat aphids as they appear on Spirea and Roses
Begin foliar sprays for diseases as leaves emerge using fungicides
Prune back early blooming shrubs after they bloom
Begin insect sprays on Boxwood (for Psyllids) when Weigela blooms
Spray for scale when Catalpa trees bloom
Begin spraying for Borers
Start watching for rose sawflies. First indications are silver spots and tiny holes in leaves
Watch for sawfly worms on pines (especially on Mugho pines)
Prune evergreen and broadleaf shrubs (boxwood and yews)
Scout and treat for early infestations of bagworms
To detect spruce mites, shake branches over white paper, green/gray moving spots are an indicator that treatment is needed. Red spots/streaks are predatory mites. DO NOT SPRAY
Apply rose food again
Japanese beetle watch about mid-month
New growth on Macrophylla hydrangeas should be out. Prune off all dead branches.
Deadhead perennials for prolonged blooming
Stella daylilies can be cut to the ground and allowed to regrow and bloom
Another application of pre-emergent herbicide is recommended on landscape beds
Trailing annuals can be pruned back now for better blooming in late summer
Continue spraying for Japanese beetles
Watering, deadheading, and weed control
Not a good time to prune Boxwood or Yews (new growth may not have time to harden off in the late fall)
Prune Oakleaf Hydrangea
Make preparations for fall seedings
Watch for second generation of Rose sawfly
Lawn weed control (except in areas to be seeded)
New lawn seeding and over seeding
Aerate Lawns
Wrap young trees against deer damage early in the month
Systemic drenches on trees and shrubs to help with Japanese beetle control for the next year
Fertilize trees and shrubs
Apply winterizer fertilizer on lawns
Can begin cutting down perennials
Plant fall bulbs such as tulips, daffodils, crocus, etc.
Water evergreens and broadleaves if rains have been inadequate
Prune deciduous shrubs except early bloomers
Apply Wilt-Pruf to newly planted evergreens and broadleaves against dehydration
Apply dormant oils to plants with scale infections
Any of the November chores that were not completed as weather allows
Tree trimming